Tips For Choosing Your Property's Farm Tractor

8 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog


When you invest in a farmstead, especially on an agricultural mortgage, you need to start working the land and making it productive as soon as possible. To do that, you'll need some equipment to help you work the land. As you start looking for a tractor for your farmstead, it's important to know what factors are the most important. Here's a look at what you need to know in order to get the right tractor for your farmstead's beginning.

Think About Your Plans

The first thing you should do is take time to think about your plans for the property. This includes evaluating how much land you have, how much of it you plan to work, and how you'll plan to work it. After all, the right tractor model will depend largely on the types of attachments that you'll need. The attachments you need will vary based on the work that you'll need to do.

For example, you will need to have a mower deck for the property if you need to cut the grass. If you'll be maintaining pasture and don't need to mow because you'll have livestock grazing, then you can opt for a tractor with a smaller mower deck that fits well for your yard.

If you'll be growing crops on the property, you will want a tractor that can accommodate plow attachments, cultivators, and even fertilizer spreaders. These attachments will make the entire process far easier for you.

Consider The Features You Want

More tractors than ever are coming with added features, making even the smaller tractors as comfortable and versatile as larger ones. Consider what types of features you want from your tractor, including things like enclosed cabs, high-capacity hydraulic systems, and more.

You may even want to find a unit with a drive-on mower deck attachment, easy connections for the plows, forks, and other attachments, and other additional features that make it easier for you to maintain your land.

Test Out The Controls

Before you buy any tractor for your farm, make sure that you take time to sit in the seat and test out all of the controls. This is important because it's the only way to ensure that the controls are easily accessible, within your reach, and properly functional. The last thing you need is to have a tractor with controls that you have to strain or stretch to operate because they can put your stability and safety at risk. Make sure you can comfortably operate the tractor to ensure that you get the right model for your needs.

For more information about tractors and farming equipment, contact a local dealer.